
Base Metal Cut, Tree-Shaped Burr

3 Variations

The Base Metal Cut, Tree-Shaped Burr from Garryson® has been engineered for low-carbon steels, copper, and brass up to 60HRC, while also handling both hardened and non-hardened steels up to 38HRC.

Features and Benefits
• Smooth operation ensures precise and controlled cutting, reducing errors and rework
• High-cutting action through cross-cutting style achieves efficient material removal, saving time and effort
• Produces easy-to-clean short chips which helps to maintain a clean, safe workspace

Typical Applications
• Ideal for rapid stock removal in metal fabrication processes
• Efficiently smooths and refines edges on metal parts for enhanced safety and aesthetics
• Perfect for shaping and contouring metal surfaces with precision
• Prepares metal surfaces for welding and finishing, ensuring strong bonds and smooth finishes
• Essential for machining parts in automotive and aerospace industries
• Suitable for machining parts used in heavy machinery