Emergency & First Aid Signs

Every workplace needs emergency and first aid signs to ensure that in an emergency, employees know where to find a fire exit, first aid kit or an emergency stop button. These potentially life-saving signs are crucial in any environment. Here at Cromwell, we have a broad range of signs from leading brands such as Sitesafe®, Taktyle® and Stewart Superior®.

What are emergency and first aid signs?

Emergency and first aid signs are easy to fit, rigid signs with important messages about fire exits, first aid kits and other various emergencies.

When are emergency and first aid signs used?

Emergency and first aid signs are used in multiple locations around the workplace, wherever they are needed to inform colleagues of important information. Every workplace in any environment requires emergency and first aid signs. They are also used in various public places such as shops, restaurants, libraries and schools.

Considerations when choosing an emergency or first aid sign

• Size - Ensure that the size of the sign is apt for the location in which you want to fix it. It needs to be big enough for people in the surrounding area to be able to see or read it clearly.

• Accessibility - We offer a range of braille signs for colleagues who may have sight impairments. Ensure to consider whether braille signs are needed for your requirements.

• Fixing - There are a number of different fixing methods for our range of signs, so ensure to pick the correct one for your needs.

• Material - Our signs come in various materials. Consider the environment your sign(s) will be a part of, and how much wear and tear they may receive, then select the correct material for your requirements.


How does braille work?
Braille signs have smooth contoured cells on them, ensuring accessibility for all in the workplace. They are crucial for ensuring that all employees have the same level of understanding when it comes to emergency exits, first aid locations and emergency stop buttons.

How do I know where to position the signs?
There are guidelines online which show optimal positions for various emergency signs in the workplace. Ensure to do some research before placing them.

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