noscriptBevelling Air Tools | Cromwell Tools


Bevelling Air Tools

3 Variations

The range of ATA bevelling air tools allows for faster bevelling and have an excellent power to weight ratio. This provides consistently high-quality cutting patterns with minimal physical effort required. The bevel depth can be adjusted to various depths easily and Karnasch Bevelling Cutters can be replaced very quickly.

For lighter bevelling and radius work up to a depth of 6mm, ATA offers
the P25-BT and SM16-BT. Specially designed for quick rounding of small
sheets, pipes and holes, with depth adjustments of 0.125mm increments, these bevelling air tools are precise and easy to use.

Features and Benefits
• Reduced vibration to improve lifetime of the cutters
• Quick and easy cutter replacement on all machines
• Spindle lock button
• Concentricity for a smoother cut
• Nitride hardened (QPQ) scratch resistant flanges for improved sliding capability

• Bevelling
• Weld preparation
• Deburring
• Countersink connections
• Compatible bevel heads are available with angles of 30° | 37.5° | 45°