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Towers & Decks

Towers and decks are elevated structures or platforms that are specifically designed to offer a secure and stable workspace at heights. It is essential to prioritise safety when engaging in projects at elevated heights. To learn more about it visit our comprehensive guide.

Why Towers and Decks?

Tower platforms provide access to elevated areas offering a more stable, spacious, and versatile workspace suitable for a wider range of tasks and for the long going projects. They prioritise safety and efficiency, making them essential tools in various industries such as construction, maintenance, and manufacturing.

When are Towers and Decks Used?

Towers and decks come into play in a variety of situations and environments:
1. Construction Industry: towers and decks are commonly used in construction for working at heights. Scaffolding towers provide a stable platform for accessing elevated areas safely, while decks offer a secure workspace for various tasks.
2. Telecommunications: telecom towers support antennas, satellite dishes, and communication gear, and are crucial for wireless networks, broadcasting signals, and communication services. Workers use elevated platforms on the towers to maintain the equipment safely.
3. Entertainment and Events: towers and decks are frequently utilized in the entertainment industry for staging events, concerts, or performances. Staging towers provide elevated platforms for performers, speakers, or lighting equipment, enhancing visibility and creating dynamic staging setups. Decks may also be used as VIP viewing areas or camera platforms to capture the event from different angles.
4. Aerospace: aerospace applications commonly require the use of towers and decks for a variety of purposes, such as aircraft maintenance, assembly, and testing. Maintenance towers are built to provide technicians with access to different parts of the aircraft, enabling them to perform inspections, repairs, or upgrades. Elevated decks or platforms are also used for aircraft assembly lines, where workers can assemble and integrate components to build aeroplanes or spacecraft.

Towers and Decks Types

Explore our range of towers and decks to find the perfect match for your project:
Scaffold towers are elevated platforms that offer stability and versatility for work at heights. They have adjustable height and platform size, sturdy construction, guardrails, and modular design for easy assembly, disassembly, and transport.
Folding work platforms are portable and compact elevated surfaces for tasks like painting, decorating, or light maintenance work. They're foldable for easy storage and transportation and come with a non-slip surface and safety locks for stability and safety. Lightweight yet durable construction makes them easy to manoeuvre and set up indoors or outdoors.
Bridge work platforms are temporary walkways or access points that help in crossing obstacles, gaps, or rough terrain. They are modular, customizable, and have a high load-bearing capacity. They are made of weather-resistant materials and have anti-slip surfaces for safe passage in outdoor or challenging environments.
Smart pods are elevated work platforms that use advanced technology for safety, productivity, and efficiency in construction and maintenance. They have sensors that detect potential hazards and automated features like self-levelling platforms. They also have connectivity options for real-time communication and remote diagnostics.
Telescopic podium steps offer a secure and stable platform for electrical work, warehouse operations, or maintenance tasks. Their adjustable height settings improve accessibility, while anti-slip treads and guardrails ensure safety. They are also compact and lightweight for easy transportation and manoeuvrability.

Considerations When Choosing Towers and Decks

When choosing towers and decks, it is important to consider the following factors to ensure safety and compliance:
1. Height and Capacity: make sure that the structures can safely support the intended load and accommodate the required height.
2. Configuration and Customization: choose structures that are easy to assemble, disassemble, and customize to fit your specific requirements.
3. Safety Features: look for features such as guardrails, non-slip surfaces, and stabilizing mechanisms to enhance safety for workers and users.
4. Compliance and Regulations: verify that the towers and decks meet relevant safety standards and regulations for your industry and location.


Can your towers and decks be used for both indoor and outdoor projects?
Towers and decks are designed to withstand different environments, providing versatility for indoor and outdoor use. Most models have adjustable feet to account for uneven flooring and modular design for customizable configurations.

Are towers easy to assemble and disassemble?
Many towers are built using the minimum number of components necessary to reach the desired height. However, if you are looking for a quicker and more efficient option, consider the Telescopic Scaffold Towers. They can be easily extended to the desired height in under 5 minutes.

What is a safe working platform?
For a platform to be suitable for working at height, it must be of sufficient size to allow safe passage and use of equipment and materials. Free from trip hazards or gaps. Clean and tidy. Fitted with handrails and protective guards if necessary.